Corporate profile

Access map

Wide-area map

Detailed map

Kitanihon Seiki Co., Ltd.,

26-23, Kamiashibetsu-cho, Ashibetsu, Hokkaido 079-1397

Traffic information

Access from New Chitose Airport by JR train

Take a Rapid Airport train from New Chitose Airport Station to Sapporo Station. Then transfer to a special express train (e.g., Kamui, Okhotsk) to Asahikawa. Transfer again at Takikawa Station to a Shintoku-bound train on the Nemuro Line and get off at Ashibetsu Station. Take a taxi from the station (approx. 10 min.).

(Travel time: approx. 2 hr. 50 min.)

Access from Sapporo by car

Take the Hokkaido Expressway and exit at Takikawa IC or take Route 12 and then Route 38 toward Furano. Turn right at the first traffic light after the Namakoyama Athletic Park and the Okamoto Self gas station in Ashibetsu, and go straight for approximately 1 km. The main factory is on the right-hand side.

(Travel time (except in winter): approx. 1 hr. 50 min.)

Access from Asahikawa Airport by car

Take Route 237 toward Furano and then Route 38 toward Takikawa/Ashibetsu. Turn left at the first traffic light after Kamiashibetsu Elementary School and the 7-Eleven, and go straight for approximately 1 km. The main factory is on the right-hand side.

(Travel time (except in winter): approx. 1 hr. 10 min.)